This is chat room dialog, abridged only to remove the most boring parts. In some places, it will seem like the conversation is flowing backwards, because of the nature of chatrooms. This chat room is also a voice room, so some comments will not appear to relate to the text at times. Stick with it a bit! I am thephoenix_ ~Deb
(11:50 PM) Alert: This is an R rated room inappropriate for minors. Adult language is permitted, however nudity is not.
(11:50 PM) Alert: thephoenix_, welcome to the room Democratic Party United.
(11:50 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: I hope Obama won't fall in their trap.
(11:50 PM) ellej28: Well Obama will go into a battle of wits with an unarmed man in McCain
(11:50 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: Good
thephoenix_: I think that Obama's pulled out of the game.
(11:50 PM) daddy_o: Oh McCain knows he's gonna get his ass handed to him if he debates OBama
thephoenix_: He would have caved to McCain if he hadn't.
(11:50 PM) daddy_o: thats McCain is stalling
(11:50 PM) daddy_o: thats why
thephoenix_: The gloves are off.
(11:51 PM) *** chuck3000 has joined the room ***
(11:51 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: lol stinkbowski
thephoenix_: Biden made mincemeat out of McCain today.
(11:51 PM) Barbara Ann1026: nite everyone you are in very good hands
(11:51 PM) jimer123: I wanted McCain come unglue Friday
(11:51 PM) ellej28: Well McCain ran his mouth with all this BS and now he can't back it up.
(11:51 PM) daddy_o: Look they wont even let Palin do an interview
(11:51 PM) stinkbowski: Love how Bush talks about success in Iraq...Iraq never was the problem..It was Bin Laden...
(11:51 PM) daddy_o: by herself
(11:51 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: McCain is trying all he can to sink his own boat.
(thephoenix_: He's desperate now.
(11:51 PM) daddy_o: Oh god McCains boat is going down fast
(11:51 PM) *** Barbara Ann1026 has left the room ***
(11:51 PM) *** chuck3000 has left the room ***
(11:51 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: good night B
thephoenix_: thanks, just!
(11:51 PM) ellej28: Thank you
(11:51 PM) daddy_o: thats why he's doing all this stuff
(11:52 PM) daddy_o: he has to pull something out of his a**
thephoenix_: LOL
(11:52 PM) *** imalive has joined the room ***
(11:52 PM) ellej28: I never ever want a hat again........sheesh
(11:52 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: I didn't say it.
(11:53 PM) DesignedbyM: I like my woman to stay in the kitchen.
(11:53 PM) DesignedbyM: ok
thephoenix_: M, you are a loser.
(11:53 PM) ellej28: Good Luck on that, phoenix.
(11:53 PM) DesignedbyM: A good woman will not leave the house without permission.
thephoenix_: Time to take out the White Trash!
(11:53 PM) dewy00: he is just trying to marter himself and goad Obama into doing something or not doing it to say look all he thinks about is himself and not the country
(11:53 PM) stinkbowski: Remember how Bush tore McCain apart in 2000 Election ??..
(11:53 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: DesignedbyM.... where is ur location ? Saudi Arabia ?
thephoenix_: buh bye, M.
(11:53 PM) jimer123: Youngsters are to be seen and not heard, not grown women
(11:53 PM) daddy_o: oh lord
(11:53 PM) ellej28: Designed are you an Arab
(11:53 PM) daddy_o: this guy is on his own
thephoenix_: I do, stink.
(11:54 PM) ellej28: He is on right after you.
(11:54 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: lol
thephoenix_: I would have been happy had McCain been the Puke nominee in 2000.
(11:54 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: lool
(11:54 PM) ellej28: I don't see a red dot
thephoenix_: When New Hampshire went McCain, I breathed a sigh of relief.
(11:54 PM) ellej28: Oh I see it now
thephoenix_: I thought that Bush was too f***ing stupid to get elected.
(11:55 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: I am having a good time.
(11:55 PM) *** DesignedbyM has left the room ***
thephoenix_: LMAO, surf
(11:55 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: lol
thephoenix_: good, lewet!
(11:55 PM) imalive: yep
thephoenix_: I have a good time here too, and I am only like about 18 in my brain.
(11:55 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: good job Just
(11:55 PM) stinkbowski: Remmber how Bush & Cheney portrayed Gore & Kerry as assholes ??....
(11:55 PM) Lewet-Felagiw: lol
(11:55 PM) ellej28: I would have bitchslapped him. LOL I learned from the best.
thephoenix_: so did the corporate media, stink.
(11:56 PM) daddy_o: yeah but now People see right through all their bullshit
thephoenix_: The media is definitely not liberal.
(11:56 PM) ellej28: yep
thephoenix_: Rather, it is corporate.
thephoenix_: M is just a big chickenshit loser.
thephoenix_: Smart men like smart women.
(11:56 PM) ellej28: The media is controlled by the corporations that own them.
thephoenix_: Dumb men don't like anyone.
(11:56 PM) daddy_o: yes intelligence is good phoenix....thats what i like
thephoenix_: except themselves
(11:56 PM) stinkbowski: phoenix...true..Tried to say Kerry's silver star was phony
(11:57 PM) ellej28: Phoenix.....I was looking for you......I yielded the mic
(11:57 PM) daddy_o: lol
thephoenix_: LOL
thephoenix_: (11:53 PM) ellej28: Good Luck on that, phoenix. LOL.
thephoenix_: elle, my program crashed
(11:57 PM) daddy_o: Hey so what do you guys think of this 700 Billion dollar bail ou
thephoenix_: daddy o, it's just more welfare for the rich
(11:58 PM) *** ProfGene has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: business as usual
(11:58 PM) Just Surfin around: yw hun
(11:58 PM) *** jimer123 has left the room ***
(11:58 PM) stinkbowski: The problem in America is 49% of voters are dumass Right-wing Dittoheads...
thephoenix_: did you know that in murka that we have socialism today?
thephoenix_: Socialism for the rich, socialism for the military.
(11:59 PM) ellej28: Wedge issues
thephoenix_: Everyone else just has to eat shit!
thephoenix_: Palin won her mayor campaign on wedge issues.
thephoenix_: Then she ran the City into the ground.
(11:59 PM) ellej28: Yes but in a very small town.
(11:59 PM) ProfGene: They are going to take our guns away from us. They are taking religion out of everything. They will tax us to death.
(11:59 PM) ellej28: And it wasn't renewed
thephoenix_: That's total bullshit, ProfGene.
(12:00 AM) ellej28: Right
(12:00 AM) ellej28: Nope
(12:00 AM) Just Surfin around: PorfGene who said that?
thephoenix_: Democrats balance the budget when they are in power, and republicans run up the credit card when they are in power.
(12:00 AM) ProfGene: Those are the issues that they run on.
(12:00 AM) ProfGene: I never owned a gun.
(12:00 AM) Just Surfin around: right on ellej
(12:00 AM) stinkbowski: Repubs listen to Rush....The draft dodging college dropout drug addict for advice..
(12:01 AM) Just Surfin around: yes they did ellej
(12:01 AM) ProfGene: I went to school and heard the New Testament read to me every day and I was Jewish.
thephoenix_: The people who whine about their taxes the most are those with the most money.
(12:01 AM) daddy_o: Yeah Rush is a master tea bagger along with his buddy gw bush
thephoenix_: The ones who should be grateful for their luck!
thephoenix_: All big whiners.
(12:01 AM) ProfGene: This was a public grade school in Philadelphia.
thephoenix_: I only have 3 billion dollars! Waaaa!
(12:02 AM) ProfGene: The New Testament and yes Jesus Loves Me.
(12:02 AM) ProfGene: And the Lord's Prayer
thephoenix_: I only have 50 billion dollars! I may be eating supermarket food soon!
thephoenix_: LOL
(12:02 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao yeah right sure.. lol
(12:02 AM) imalive: well gene did it teach you anything lol
thephoenix_: My yacht is too small!
(12:03 AM) dewy00: by getting Palin to get womens votes do they think any woman will do
thephoenix_: wull yeah
(12:03 AM) ProfGene: It taught me that Jews were not welcome in the American public school system in Philadelphia.
thephoenix_: awww
(12:03 AM) *** ADAGIO_5 has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: I love all of my Jewish friends so much.
thephoenix_: They kick ass!
(12:03 AM) Just Surfin around: I woke up with one ellej
(12:04 AM) Just Surfin around: metoo ellej
(12:04 AM) daddy_o: Elle my allergies are kicking up also
thephoenix_: My adopted mother is an 89-year-old Jewish woman.
(12:04 AM) Just Surfin around: Corn fields I am allergic to
(12:04 AM) daddy_o: lol where u at again
thephoenix_: She was first mentioned in a Supreme Court opinion in 1956.
(12:04 AM) stinkbowski: You Know who is another Nazi puke, is that former Dem. that appears on Fox shows...can't think of his name...
(12:04 AM) ADAGIO_5: most claim that but....
thephoenix_: She went on to represent Angela Davis in her murder trial.
(12:05 AM) ProfGene: I lived in Massachussets for 17 years.
thephoenix_: She was the first female President of the National Lawyers Guild.
(12:05 AM) *** victoria_atmosphere has joined the room ***
(12:05 AM) victoria_atmosphere: ty
(12:05 AM) ProfGene: First West Quincy, then Boston, then Randolph, then Boston again, and the last place was Bridgewater.
(12:05 AM) Just Surfin around: I like Illinois
(12:06 AM) ProfGene: That is where I live now in IL
(12:06 AM) *** daddy_o has left the room ***(12:07 AM) *** PSVerHerman has joined the room **
(12:07 AM) Just Surfin around: hi PSV
(12:07 AM) imalive: hi ps
(12:07 AM) PSVerHerman: hello all
(12:07 AM) ellej28: I bookmarked it and will do so on my lunch break
(12:07 AM) stinkbowski: Who is that fat former Dem. that worked for Clinton who is on Fox all the time ??
(12:07 AM) PSVerHerman: i`ve supending the chat because we are in a cricis.......
(12:07 AM) *** ADAGIO_5 has joined the room ***
(12:07 AM) PSVerHerman: hello just
(12:07 AM) ellej28: Absolutely........McCain doesn't have the temperment for being president.
(12:08 AM) PSVerHerman: hey imalive
(12:08 AM) ellej28: Hi PSV
(12:08 AM) ProfGene: Palin has been showing how she knows very little about everything.
(12:08 AM) Lewet-Felagiw: Yes indeed.
(12:08 AM) PSVerHerman: elle my ma girl hello.....
thephoenix_: Palin said that she would get Katie Couric examples of how McCain supported regulation.
(12:08 AM) *** ADAGIO_5 has left the room ***
thephoenix_: After Katie asked her three times.
(12:08 AM) Just Surfin around: we couldn't here we said the Pledge of Allegence
thephoenix_: Sarah said, well, I will get some and bring em to ya!
thephoenix_: LMAO
thephoenix_: Now I know why she had to go to six schools to get her BA.
(12:09 AM) victoria_atmosphere: i had to recite the lord's prayer and both my parents were atheists
(12:09 AM) PSVerHerman: gene are you a atheist like me
(12:09 AM) ellej28: I didn't either.....Catholic schools teach church doctrine
thephoenix_: They found the dumbest/cutest college graduate that they could find.
(12:10 AM) imalive: that never happened to the schools i went too
(12:10 AM) victoria_atmosphere: and god save the queen and who supports the monarchy anymore?
(12:10 AM) victoria_atmosphere: they don't sing it anymore
thephoenix_: Who did not mind lying, cheating, and betraying friends to reach her goal.
(12:10 AM) victoria_atmosphere: thank the lord
(12:10 AM) victoria_atmosphere: haha
(12:10 AM) ellej28: BRB........need water
(12:10 AM) Just Surfin around: ok ellej
(12:10 AM) Just Surfin around: hb
(12:11 AM) victoria_atmosphere: we did the lord's prayer, god save the queen and o canada
(12:11 AM) victoria_atmosphere: then it was time for lunch
(12:11 AM) *** peking duck_1 has joined the room ***
(12:11 AM) PSVerHerman: virginia is a red state.....
(12:12 AM) stinkbowski: All of a sudden, Bush gives us a speech tonight telling us how serious the financial crisis is...blaming everyone but himself...what a Bastard...
(12:12 AM) PSVerHerman: heheh gene
(12:12 AM) imalive: http://slackeruprising.com/download/ this michael moore new film its the whole film too
(12:12 AM) victoria_atmosphere: is that you flush?
(12:12 AM) victoria_atmosphere: stinkbowski?
(12:12 AM) stinkbowski: no
(12:12 AM) victoria_atmosphere: oh, sorry
(12:13 AM) Just Surfin around: isn't that amazing stinkbowski?
(12:13 AM) PSVerHerman: michael moore.......made some great movies
(12:13 AM) stinkbowski: np
(12:13 AM) victoria_atmosphere: love michael moore
(12:13 AM) Just Surfin around: hey I got the movie of Slackers
(12:13 AM) imalive: ps that will play off web page
(12:13 AM) victoria_atmosphere: it's FREE
(12:13 AM) victoria_atmosphere: thanks michael
(12:13 AM) ellej28: Back
(12:13 AM) PSVerHerman: victora.....hello
(12:13 AM) imalive: its the full ver too
(12:13 AM) Just Surfin around: wb ellej
(12:13 AM) victoria_atmosphere: Hi psverherman
(12:13 AM) PSVerHerman: elle is your husband from MA
(12:13 AM) imalive: http://slackeruprising.com/download/
(12:14 AM) ellej28: tks
(12:14 AM) Just Surfin around: yw
(12:14 AM) ellej28: No PSV....he was born, raised and educated in Arkansas
(12:14 AM) *** dewy00 has left the room ***
(12:14 AM) ellej28: I am originally from PA
(12:14 AM) PSVerHerman: ow a bill clinton guy.....LOL
(12:15 AM) imalive: if you have a torrent loader you can down load it free
(12:15 AM) ellej28: PSV....He drove in the caravan while Clinton was president and after he left office.
(12:15 AM) stinkbowski: Bush trying to scare everyone with financial Crisis..so the average taxpayer will bail his rotten ass out....
(12:15 AM) *** Tama Riki has joined the room ***
(12:16 AM) PSVerHerman: i believe your husband and me will get along great LOL
(12:16 AM) *** flynn62 has left the room ***
(12:16 AM) ellej28: He is a pretty nice guy.....has his moments. He isn't too friendly right now but we will see how things turn out.
(12:16 AM) *** NoworNeverComeTogether has joined the room ***
(12:17 AM) Tama Riki: lol
(12:17 AM) imalive: bush too
(12:17 AM) ellej28: I think McCain is mentally irregular...
(12:17 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: Prof..........bottom of his class?
(12:17 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: are you kidding?
(12:17 AM) imalive: he was
(12:18 AM) ellej28: He was either 4th or 5th from the bottom
(12:18 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: Prof............get real
(12:18 AM) PSVerHerman: if Mc cain wins......i believe america could go down coming 4 years......
(12:18 AM) stinkbowski: President Clinton left Bush with a $1.8 trillion surplus..Bush is leaving with a $ 10 trillion deficit..
(12:18 AM) ellej28: He is telling you the truth
(12:18 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: Prof is that all you have on McCain
(12:18 AM) Tama Riki: That would explain why he crashed so many planes, he's a slow learner
(12:18 AM) Tama Riki: hahahaha
(12:18 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: Prof?................spend spend spend
(12:18 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: demos
(12:18 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: my god
(12:18 AM) ellej28: Hang on, I will give you something to think about.
(12:19 AM) Just Surfin around: NoworNeverComeTogether.... your on thin Ice.... be have in here
(12:19 AM) Tama Riki: Senator Obama was a Community Organizer
(12:19 AM) PSVerHerman: obama is the new JFK mark my words......smart..young....great judgment
(12:19 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: spend spend spend
(12:19 AM) NoworNeverComeTogether: my god
(12:19 AM) *** NoworNeverComeTogether has left the room ***
(12:19 AM) stinkbowski: N
(12:19 AM) Tama Riki: hahahahaha
(12:20 AM) ProfGene: I heard that one too
(12:20 AM) ellej28: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/325.html nowornevercometogether....read this
(12:20 AM) PSVerHerman: imalive he lives in 7 houses with which one
(12:20 AM) ProfGene: bomb bomb bomb Iran
(12:20 AM) Tama Riki: Mc Cain was a "Collaborator", during the war
(12:20 AM) ellej28: That link shows Lieberman whispering in his ear that answer
(12:20 AM) stinkbowski: Nowornever...another Right-Wing Nazi with his head up Bush's Ass....
(12:20 AM) Tama Riki: Mc Cain is not liked by the NamVets
(12:21 AM) ellej28: They took the video of Bomb bomb bomb Iran off of Youtube
(12:21 AM) Tama Riki: lol
(12:21 AM) ellej28: Yes....he is his front man
(12:21 AM) *** victoria_atmosphere has left the room ***
(12:22 AM) ellej28: He is a different man (Lieberman) than he was in 2000.
(12:22 AM) Lewet-Felagiw: Good night all
(12:22 AM) ellej28: Nite Lewet
(12:22 AM) Just Surfin around: not before I got it ellej lol
(12:22 AM) *** Lewet-Felagiw has left the room ***
(12:22 AM) PSVerHerman: Lieberman.....didn`t have sex since 2001 that was the reason he turned to be a repbuk sup......
(12:22 AM) ProfGene: You have to know the formula for a quadratic equasion if you want to solve one.
(12:22 AM) ellej28: LOL PSV
(12:23 AM) stinkbowski: Got Fox News on..panelpraising Bush on how well he is handling Financial Collapse...
(12:23 AM) ProfGene: equation
(12:23 AM) Just Surfin around: rotflmao PSV
(12:23 AM) Tama Riki: ellej28 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAzBxFaio1I - John Mc Cain and Bomb Bomb Iran, lol
(12:23 AM) ProfGene: Out out damn spot, is this a dagger I see before me all the perfumes of Arabia will not .....
(12:24 AM) ProfGene: They got rid of it but ever since Reagan they have been trying to bring back prayers.
(12:25 AM) ProfGene: This was between 1942 and 45.
(12:25 AM) ellej28: Thanks Tama......I had it bookmarked. Duh....my blonde is showing. LOL
(12:25 AM) PSVerHerman: if mc cain wins...i`m joining the amish
(12:25 AM) Tama Riki: lol elle
(12:25 AM) Tama Riki: no probs
(12:26 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao PSV
(12:26 AM) ProfGene: The Amish have the right idea. They don't need gas or power.
thephoenix_: LIEberman should have gotten some on the side.
(12:26 AM) PSVerHerman: heheh gene
(12:26 AM) Tama Riki: ProfGene quite right
thephoenix_: The Dems are ready to censure him, 7 years too late.
(12:26 AM) Tama Riki: The Amish lifestyle is fascinating
(12:26 AM) stinkbowski: Remember Bush's Inauguration ?...He had to duck in the car because people were throwing eggs...
thephoenix_: Some eggthrowers went to jail.
thephoenix_: They just won a lawsuit against the District of Columbia
thephoenix_: 8 years later.
(12:27 AM) PSVerHerman: a amish bleu berry
(12:27 AM) imalive: they even had computer cash regester
(12:27 AM) PSVerHerman: blackberry
(12:27 AM) PSVerHerman: hahaha
(12:27 AM) ProfGene: We have plenty of Amish around here in Illinois. Are you sure it wasn't an Amana Colony?
thephoenix_: because they were illegally detained
(12:27 AM) ellej28: The Amish in PA don't have anything like that.....They drive buggys
(12:27 AM) PSVerHerman: amish blackberry in iowa
(12:27 AM) imalive: it said amish
(12:28 AM) Tama Riki: I believe they believe, that a child cannot be baptised, only an adult
(12:28 AM) stinkbowski: Lieberman put Jewish concerns in front of his constituency...
thephoenix_: Amish repress their women.
(12:28 AM) PSVerHerman: i`m joining the Amish if mc cains wins........
(12:28 AM) ProfGene: Around here the Amish drive horse and buggies and don't use electricity.
thephoenix_: All religions are focused on repressing the women.
(12:28 AM) Tama Riki: Drugs have infiltrated Amish youth
(12:28 AM) PSVerHerman: an amish women.....2 horses.....
(12:28 AM) imalive: some do some don't
(12:28 AM) ellej28: That is the way they are in PA and some are in Ohio
(12:29 AM) PSVerHerman: do they have amish in MA
(12:29 AM) ProfGene: The young Amish are allowed to use power tools and stuff untill they definitely join the group.
(12:29 AM) imalive: i think its the sect
(12:29 AM) ProfGene: We have lots of Amish around here in Illinois.
(12:29 AM) PSVerHerman: amish for OBAMA bumpersticker
thephoenix_: Where I live, Obama bumper stickers abound.
thephoenix_: Only one in 1000 with McCain stickers.
thephoenix_: No Palin stickers.
(12:31 AM) Tama Riki: What a pure existence
(thephoenix_: LMAO
(12:31 AM) flutterbye_7: Thros organic birdseed at the phoenix
(12:31 AM) ellej28: I just fell asleep............I have only had 2 hours sleep......Nite all
(12:31 AM) PSVerHerman: elle good night
(12:31 AM) imalive: nite elle
(12:31 AM) *** icedraft76_1 has left the room ***
(12:31 AM) Just Surfin around: nite ellej take care hun
thephoenix_: hahaha flutter! TYVM! Yummay!
(12:32 AM) stinkbowski: Want to get pissed..Special of Hannity & Colmes just started on Fox news....
thephoenix_: Night elle
(12:32 AM) *** Archnibbler has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: LOL stink!
(12:32 AM) *** hugs2you has joined the room ***
(12:32 AM) flutterbye_7: No katnip the phoenix?
(12:32 AM) *** ellej28 has left the room ***
thephoenix_: This oughtta be priceless.
(12:32 AM) *** Archnibbler has left the room ***
thephoenix_: LOL flutter!!! I didn't know that kittykats fluttered!
(12:32 AM) Just Surfin around: I like it that way
(12:32 AM) *** maole_leaf has joined the room ***
(12:32 AM) *** Tama Riki has left the room ***
thephoenix_: i1i1i1i1i organic ceylon catnip
(12:33 AM) stinkbowski: Can't stand Fucking Hannity....
thephoenix_: brb
(12:33 AM) flutterbye_7: Hi ima and just
(12:33 AM) stinkbowski: Nazi lying Bastard....
(12:33 AM) Just Surfin around: hi flutterbye
(12:35 AM) imalive: 50 now
(12:36 AM) stinkbowski: New Poll puts Obama up 45% to 39%...
(12:36 AM) imalive: it be nice if they get back to it
(12:37 AM) ProfGene: You can't play that in a Democratic room because the Republicans don't think that Democrats ever pledge allegance at least that is what they all say here on Paltalk.
(12:37 AM) stinkbowski: Man, Alan Colmes is such a whipped Pussy....
thephoenix_: Colmes is crying all the way to the bank.
thephoenix_: He's a caricature of a liberal.
thephoenix_: It's a role.
(12:38 AM) ProfGene: The Republicans think Democrats don't recite the Pledge.
(12:38 AM) *** Bfeed has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: no real liberal would do that shit
(12:38 AM) ProfGene: I saw him in a restaurant in Springfield Il years ago.
thephoenix_: Republicans just believe whatever they are told.
thephoenix_: They cannot do their own research or thinking.
thephoenix_: LOL imalive!!!
thephoenix_: No more pledging!!!
thephoenix_: hahahaha
(12:39 AM) puchos_2: hey CHITLNADS I'm bCK
(12:39 AM) stinkbowski: Phoenix...Jesse Jackson is right, Colmes is a potted plant...
thephoenix_: LOL stink
(12:40 AM) stinkbowski: Phoenix..
thephoenix_: actually, imalive, those words mean something
(12:40 AM) *** musicdistor has joined the room ***
(12:40 AM) stinkbowski: Are you watching Fox now ?
thephoenix_: did you ever take the fun little quiz at www.politicalcompass.org?
(12:40 AM) imalive: yep
thephoenix_: Find out where you stand on the political grid.
(12:41 AM) Just Surfin around: no it is Blocked out of our TV stinkbowski
(12:41 AM) imalive: its went overboard
(12:41 AM) stinkbowski: Just..Good way to see what The dumass Nazis are saying...
(12:41 AM) musicdistor: forget what old leaders said
(12:41 AM) musicdistor: can show
(12:42 AM) puchos_2: LOL THAT'S A GREAT
(12:42 AM) imalive: they have gene
(12:42 AM) *** hugs2you has left the room ***
thephoenix_: I subscribe to the GOP listserv.
(12:42 AM) Just Surfin around: my dogs go crazy stinkbowski
(12:42 AM) musicdistor: keneddy said we will not tolarate secercy
(12:42 AM) puchos_2: I'm have to use that one
(12:42 AM) musicdistor: and secret orders
thephoenix_: I used to get NewsMax every day for two years.
thephoenix_: I finally couldn't take it any more!
(12:42 AM) puchos_2: yup
(12:42 AM) musicdistor: like skull and bones
(12:43 AM) musicdistor: wipe them out
thephoenix_: Naw, I never watch Fox.
thephoenix_: I get clips from people. I know their owners and their policies.
(12:43 AM) imalive: i never watch fixed news
(12:43 AM) *** pepp28 has joined the room ***
(12:43 AM) Just Surfin around: you mean musicdistor like witch hunting?
(12:43 AM) stinkbowski: You can watch these assholes sqirm...Newt is on now...
(12:43 AM) Just Surfin around: hi pepp
thephoenix_: I lived around fox news my whole life: my father.
(12:43 AM) pepp28: oy, surf
(12:43 AM) imalive: gday pepp
(12:43 AM) puchos_2: that BS
(12:44 AM) pepp28: ima, *nods*
(12:44 AM) puchos_2: He is a good man
(12:44 AM) Just Surfin around: yep I am
(12:44 AM) imalive: i even got a hat this time puchos lol
thephoenix_: what the puke propaganda machine is whispering: I don't trust Obama. I don't like Obama. He looks weaselly.
(12:45 AM) imalive: wb
(12:45 AM) musicdistor: lol
thephoenix_: That's what my undecided friends are now mouthing.
(12:45 AM) PSVerHerman: doing that test now phoenix
thephoenix_: cool psv!
(12:45 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao imalive
(12:45 AM) puchos_2: OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
thephoenix_: I am in the lower left corner, about as far as you can get.
(12:45 AM) musicdistor: ever smell coffe relise ever sience kings
(12:45 AM) musicdistor: quens and gov
(12:45 AM) musicdistor: worlds
(12:45 AM) musicdistor: goen to shitt
(12:45 AM) puchos_2: I'm in the theh crapper
(12:46 AM) *** maole_leaf has left the room ***
(12:46 AM) *** maole_leaf has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: Could you play it again, Sam?
(12:46 AM) puchos_2: yup
(12:46 AM) Just Surfin around: Sam? lol
(12:46 AM) musicdistor: ply what
thephoenix_: hahaha im
(12:46 AM) musicdistor: i got lou dobbs saying usa gone
(12:46 AM) musicdistor: it union
(12:46 AM) musicdistor: soon
(12:47 AM) Just Surfin around: the pledge of allegence
(12:47 AM) pepp28: Ima, that speech today ( my time) was beyond crazy...
(12:47 AM) stinkbowski: Hannity is trying to blame everything on Obama....
thephoenix_: Good, California can secede now!
thephoenix_: Hannity is a loser.
thephoenix_: Cheaters never prosper.
(12:47 AM) musicdistor: lol
(12:47 AM) *** stinkbowski has left the room ***
thephoenix_: US out of California!
(12:48 AM) imalive: i never watch fixed news
(12:48 AM) Bfeed: hussein does supports orginized labor, mccain is for busting unions
thephoenix_: lol @ fixed news
(12:48 AM) imalive: limp balls
(12:48 AM) Just Surfin around: tell us about it.. lol
(12:48 AM) Just Surfin around: we call him Limpballs
(12:48 AM) musicdistor: lol at fixd news
(12:48 AM) musicdistor: one old owner of statio on vid
(12:48 AM) musicdistor: sayin news lies
(12:48 AM) musicdistor: lol
(12:49 AM) musicdistor: studio
thephoenix_: He's a whackjob.
(12:49 AM) puchos_2: I thought it was LIMP Balls
(12:49 AM) ProfGene: Conservatives hate drug atticts except for their homegrown variety.
(12:49 AM) imalive: he gets viagra from columbia
(12:49 AM) puchos_2: LOL
(12:49 AM) imalive: lol
thephoenix_: Every one should totally know that by now.
thephoenix_: Seriously mentally ill.
thephoenix_: We should have compassion for Limpballs, who is insanely rich, and a druggie.
(12:50 AM) puchos_2: DID i Sy somthing thing bad what is thqt block wall simble?
(12:50 AM) pepp28: nice combo. hard and useless.
thephoenix_: But the poor druggies are sent to prison and their lives are often forfeit.
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: and presadent gets sell it
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: lol
thephoenix_: About 80% of rich people aren't worth a shit.
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: bush sr
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: owns cia
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: who they oinvade
(12:50 AM) ProfGene: He never allowed a person with an opposing view get on unless they were real stupid and easy to push around.
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: all cocaine making countrys sayin thed stoop it
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: lol at that
(12:50 AM) Bfeed: hussein does supports project labor agreements; and he supports investing hundreds of millions of dollars towards rebuilding the national infrastruture
(12:50 AM) musicdistor: 25 yrs laty
(12:51 AM) musicdistor: still coke
(12:51 AM) musicdistor: called takeover
(12:51 AM) musicdistor: lol
(12:51 AM) imalive: lol
(12:51 AM) imalive: yep
(12:51 AM) Just Surfin around: nope
(12:51 AM) musicdistor: like afagan has what
(12:51 AM) musicdistor: oxycotton companys need
(12:51 AM) Just Surfin around: you hit a wall..lol
(12:51 AM) musicdistor: opium
(12:51 AM) puchos_2: ok
thephoenix_: yeah puchos
thephoenix_: happens if you are too fast on the trigger
thephoenix_: lol
(12:54 AM) pepp28: heheh
thephoenix_: I have something against you, Bfeed.
(12:54 AM) pepp28: all those very old women.
(12:54 AM) pepp28: yes
thephoenix_: You must be white.
(12:54 AM) pepp28: I do see some of them around.
thephoenix_: I am white too.
(12:54 AM) pepp28: still crazed
(12:54 AM) pepp28: they slowed down somewhat
thephoenix_: But I know a smart person when I see one, regardless of the color of her skin.
(12:54 AM) imalive: no
(12:54 AM) puchos_2: no
(12:54 AM) musicdistor: white live amoung hartians
(12:54 AM) musicdistor: jamicians
thephoenix_: I read about it, Prof.
(12:54 AM) musicdistor: asians
(12:54 AM) musicdistor: lol
(12:55 AM) musicdistor: hatians
thephoenix_: I will find some and bring em to ya!
(12:55 AM) imalive: i don't look at idiots
(12:55 AM) Just Surfin around: I am 3/4 cherokee indian
(12:55 AM) musicdistor: who runs toronto
(12:55 AM) musicdistor: not whate man
(12:55 AM) musicdistor: white
thephoenix_: Part Cherokee, part Sioux
(12:56 AM) puchos_2: surf I'm Black Foot white man who loves a fire waer LOL
thephoenix_: Part Greek, Polish, English, French, Irish, German
(12:56 AM) puchos_2: water
(12:56 AM) *** ClayBirds7 has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: some other stuff too
(12:56 AM) musicdistor: soux named after what visited
(12:56 AM) musicdistor: earth
(12:56 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao unchos
(12:56 AM) musicdistor: the snakes
(12:56 AM) musicdistor: lol
(12:56 AM) imalive: he sounded great to me today
thephoenix_: I look Greek, and have mostly German and Irish blood
(12:56 AM) puchos_2: great
thephoenix_: people often think that I am Jewish
(12:56 AM) musicdistor: or is souix serphant
(12:57 AM) musicdistor: same fin thing
thephoenix_: so I give up about the ethnic thing!
(12:57 AM) imalive: great
(12:57 AM) Bfeed: the wasicu mccain speaks with a forked tongue
(12:57 AM) PSVerHerman: i`ll will be voting.....for OBAMA too.......
thephoenix_: I got bullied because I was a girl.
thephoenix_: I never did anything to anybody.
thephoenix_: I always just wanted to play nice.
(12:59 AM) musicdistor: not that they green
thephoenix_: People hated that!
(12:59 AM) musicdistor: just symbolism
(12:59 AM) *** Tuey1960 has joined the room ***
(12:59 AM) Just Surfin around: I took care of that the phoenix ... I stood up for myself
thephoenix_: I wrote plays for my friends when I was 5.
thephoenix_: My parents made me stop.
thephoenix_: I stood up too.
thephoenix_: They still fucked with me.
thephoenix_: I was unable to beat them up.
(1:00 AM) *** Tuey1960 has left the room ***
(1:00 AM) PSVerHerman: just past the test phoenix
thephoenix_: They were bigger than me.
(1:00 AM) imalive: we don't have to change system we have to the root of the problem
(1:00 AM) musicdistor: what test
(1:00 AM) ClayBirds7: Indeed
(1:00 AM) musicdistor: all reglions
(1:00 AM) musicdistor: have been probven
thephoenix_: yup, im
(1:00 AM) PSVerHerman: wich color did you have phoenix
(1:00 AM) Just Surfin around: you help them
(1:00 AM) musicdistor: fake by over 5 people
(1:00 AM) imalive: get
(1:00 AM) *** musicdistor has left the room ***
thephoenix_: I have typical Irish skin.
(1:01 AM) PSVerHerman: reglion is the reason for most wars last 2000 years
thephoenix_: Pale and kissed by freckles.
(1:01 AM) *** OrganicOrganism has left the room ***
(1:01 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix did you got green or red
(1:01 AM) ClayBirds7: Indeed!!!!
thephoenix_: PSV, have you red God is Not Great?
(1:02 AM) Just Surfin around: I speak a different language
(1:02 AM) Just Surfin around: but it wasn't taught in school
(1:02 AM) PSVerHerman: i was green left
(1:02 AM) puchos_2: YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO now your talking
thephoenix_: Oh. I didn't know that Political Compass has colors now.
(1:03 AM) Bfeed: I supported Hillary, & it angered me, when she give up, which was her preogative, but when she asked us to support hussein the muslim, that was the last straw
(1:03 AM) ProfGene: Bush almost destroyed the system.
thephoenix_: I am a social libertarian. Probably green left describes me to some degree.
(1:03 AM) PSVerHerman: i`m green also
thephoenix_: as opposed to a capitalist libertarian
(1:04 AM) *** Bizza N Bebsi has joined the room ***
(1:04 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix we have the same views....
(1:04 AM) *** Bizza N Bebsi has left the room ***
(1:04 AM) ProfGene: There are many people on Paltalk who applaud what we did to the Japanese Americans.
thephoenix_: cool, psv!
(1:04 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix we could marry LOL
(1:04 AM) PSVerHerman: hahaha
thephoenix_: Prof, that's bs.
(1:04 AM) ClayBirds7: Indeed
thephoenix_: lol psv.
thephoenix_: that's silly
(1:05 AM) ProfGene: A dollar will never be a dollar again.
(1:05 AM) ClayBirds7: yes
thephoenix_: for starters, we live about 6,000 miles apart
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(1:05 AM) PSVerHerman: washington DC summer 2016: president obama turned to the euro...
thephoenix_: lmao, psv!
(1:06 AM) Just Surfin around: rotflmao PSV
(1:06 AM) *** pepp28 has left the room ***
(1:06 AM) Just Surfin around: me too
thephoenix_: how else could one live, puchos?
(1:06 AM) imalive: lol i been to one of those parties
(1:07 AM) PSVerHerman: by the way...like the sound of that....President OBAMA
thephoenix_: about 30 years ago, I started avoiding people who lacked a sense of humor
(1:07 AM) puchos_2: lol\
thephoenix_: Nice, PSV.
(1:07 AM) ProfGene: The Greeks in Boston had the band but I don't know if they had the dancers.
(1:07 AM) imalive: we have a greek restaurant party
thephoenix_: I have been laughing a great deal this week.
(1:07 AM) imalive: went i mean
(1:07 AM) puchos_2: yes
thephoenix_: What else could I do?
(1:07 AM) ProfGene: oopah oopah
(1:07 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix are you 6000 miles away from me.....
thephoenix_: I am nobody, and I predicted this 6 years ago.
thephoenix_: and I am broke
(1:08 AM) Bfeed: however hussein does have the right policies & a strong friend of labor
(1:08 AM) *** suo-me has joined the room ***
(1:08 AM) imalive: lol
thephoenix_: no money in the stock market, for once, when the market crashed!
(1:08 AM) PSVerHerman: Just....is talking about the last speech of bush on the radio
thephoenix_: So I get to laugh like HELL this time!
(1:08 AM) *** suo-me has left the room ***
thephoenix_: They did not "service my account" this time!
(1:09 AM) puchos_2: thats is great
thephoenix_: I lost most of my money in stock market crashes
(1:09 AM) puchos_2: you betya
thephoenix_: I lost the rest getting an education
thephoenix_: Now I am on my way to having it figured out
(1:09 AM) PSVerHerman: i lost all my money on my ex wife
(1:10 AM) Just Surfin around: that wasn't Greek ProfGene
thephoenix_: that's how you find out that money doesn't mean a thing, eh, psv?
(1:10 AM) PSVerHerman: true phoenix
(1:10 AM) Bfeed: thats why they call them housekeepers, in a divorce they keep the house
thephoenix_: lol Bfeed
(1:11 AM) imalive: yep
(1:11 AM) PSVerHerman: hehehe
(1:11 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao
(1:11 AM) puchos_2: ll
(1:12 AM) imalive: i was invited to a greek party
(1:12 AM) Just Surfin around: puchos_2 we rotate every other night, tonight it is this room.. tomorrow night it will be Democrats Yes We Can
(1:13 AM) Just Surfin around: we crashed the party lmao
(1:13 AM) puchos_2: thnaks
(1:13 AM) Just Surfin around: yw puchos_2
(1:13 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix do you like SF
(1:15 AM) imalive: i don't go to bars anymore
(1:15 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao ProfGene
(1:16 AM) *** PSVerHerman has joined the room ***
(1:16 AM) PSVerHerman: back
(1:16 AM) Just Surfin around: wb PSV
(1:16 AM) PSVerHerman: lost my connection
(1:17 AM) ProfGene: bomb bomb bomb Iran
(1:17 AM) Just Surfin around: we made up the dance
(1:17 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix do you like SF
(1:18 AM) Just Surfin around: I don't Drink
(1:18 AM) Just Surfin around: I hate the smell
(1:18 AM) PSVerHerman: i never went to bars.........where are all the nice women LOL
(1:18 AM) Bfeed: can't afford the wars we have now, bombing iran is out of the question
(1:19 AM) puchos_2: I went to drink and get a tad of HOOCH.... LOL Women
(1:19 AM) ProfGene: You didn't here McCain singing that song?
(1:19 AM) ProfGene: hear
(1:19 AM) puchos_2: OH NO
thephoenix_: The nice women are staying home and chatting in Paltalk.
thephoenix_: about 80% of men aren't worth a shit
(1:19 AM) PSVerHerman: imalive in a gay bar.......did they had a pic of president reagan on the wall
thephoenix_: Gays can be fascists too.
thephoenix_: I don't know who's dumber... gay republicans or Black republicans.
(1:20 AM) PSVerHerman: what do you like in a men phoenix
(1:20 AM) Just Surfin around: I worked with them at work...
thephoenix_: PSV, I like brains, wit, compassion, and an understanding of personal suffering
(1:20 AM) ProfGene: Gay Republicans? You mean the foot tapping types?
thephoenix_: along with a sensual and imaginative nature
thephoenix_: LOL Prof.
(1:21 AM) Just Surfin around: yes we have seen it
(1:21 AM) Just Surfin around: we have been to NJ
(1:21 AM) imalive: lol
(1:21 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix did you read my profile LOL
thephoenix_: take a look at www.armchairsubversive.com
(1:21 AM) Just Surfin around: rotflmao
(1:22 AM) Just Surfin around: Pole Dancing
(1:22 AM) Just Surfin around: lol
thephoenix_: information sponges make me hot
(1:22 AM) PSVerHerman: hehe
(1:22 AM) puchos_2: no pt pleabt beach nj
(1:22 AM) puchos_2: beachhouse
(1:23 AM) ProfGene: An Italian restaurant in North Beach is where I had my first order of Scampi and I have never tasted better since.
thephoenix_: the more curious you are, the more I will like you
thephoenix_: scampi and calimari rok!
(1:23 AM) PSVerHerman: i`m the curious type
(1:24 AM) Just Surfin around: omg
(1:24 AM) imalive: lol
(1:24 AM) Just Surfin around: I would have too
thephoenix_: North Beach has great food.
thephoenix_: There are hundreds of wonderful restaurants in San Francisco.
(1:24 AM) Just Surfin around: Men in Black
(1:24 AM) Just Surfin around: lol
(1:24 AM) puchos_2: I know those places welll just don't eat the hamburgerLOL
thephoenix_: Many of them are quite reasonable.
(1:25 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix we could go to mac donalds for our first date LOL
(1:25 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao PSV
thephoenix_: 10-20 for a very nice meal well-prepared with the freshest ingredients
(1:25 AM) PSVerHerman: they have a great mac moose
thephoenix_: and filling
thephoenix_: LMAO, PSV!
(1:26 AM) Just Surfin around: ima scared the crap out of me
thephoenix_: I was pushed to the limit last night. Ate my first McDonald's in three years.
thephoenix_: Two cheeseburgers and a small coke.
(1:26 AM) PSVerHerman: hehe
thephoenix_: Very long days for political geeks these days!
thephoenix_: I spend most of my day watching MSNBC, reading, and writing.
(1:27 AM) ProfGene: I had a run in with the Grim Reapers at the Bar in Peoria IL.
(1:27 AM) Just Surfin around: yes
thephoenix_: I also have a job and a house to take care of.
(1:27 AM) ProfGene: the Barn
(1:28 AM) imalive: i knew some outlaws
(1:28 AM) Bfeed: uses to go to a restaurant on the corner of scott & lumbard st. called 'scotts' have gr8 seafood, gotta go early, because they're crowded at the dinner hours
(1:28 AM) imalive: lol
thephoenix_: Scott's is the best.
thephoenix_: It's been in business for 80 years or so.
(1:28 AM) PSVerHerman: is that in san diego phoenix
thephoenix_: Also in Oakland at Jack London Square
(1:29 AM) imalive: lol
thephoenix_: I don't know, PSV.
(1:29 AM) Just Surfin around: I know how you felt
thephoenix_: rarely in SF
thephoenix_: i mean SD
(1:29 AM) *** Bobby McGee has joined the room ***
(1:29 AM) Just Surfin around: hi Bobby
(1:29 AM) imalive: hey bobby
(1:29 AM) Just Surfin around: glad to see you
thephoenix_: hey bobby, you monsta
(1:30 AM) Bobby McGee: greetings guys
thephoenix_: are you behaving?
(1:30 AM) PSVerHerman: hahahahaha
(1:30 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao
(1:30 AM) Bobby McGee: Hwy Phoenix sweetheart
(1:30 AM) puchos_2: lol
(1:30 AM) Just Surfin around: rotflmao
thephoenix_: or hanging out with the beach bunnies again?
(1:30 AM) puchos_2: ben there\
(1:30 AM) PSVerHerman: ow dancefloor...
thephoenix_: that was my sister's job
(1:31 AM) Bobby McGee: halaween stories ?
(1:31 AM) PSVerHerman: hehehe
(1:31 AM) Just Surfin around: nope real stories Bobby
(1:31 AM) imalive: oh no lol
thephoenix_: lmao, Prof
(1:32 AM) PSVerHerman: i never had problems with gay guys
thephoenix_: Neither have I, PSV!
thephoenix_: that's ANOTHER thing we have in common
thephoenix_: I never have trouble with gay people.
(1:32 AM) Bobby McGee: my plan for hallaween horror is to tell the kids in the nighborhood how much indebet the rpublicans put on them and how many life times they have to work to pay it off
(1:32 AM) PSVerHerman: yep LOL
(1:32 AM) ProfGene: OF course you don't have any trouble with any group until you start looking for trouble as these guys did.
thephoenix_: The gay agenda is to have lovely luncheons and to shop til they drop.
(1:33 AM) Bfeed: if you are respectful, the gays will never bother you
(1:33 AM) imalive: lol
(1:33 AM) puchos_2: I love your laugh!!!
thephoenix_: I went to grad school in San Francisco.
thephoenix_: 1/3 of my classmates were gay
(1:33 AM) PSVerHerman: going out with gay men is more save phoenix....from a women piont of view
(1:33 AM) imalive: it never bothered me lol
thephoenix_: they aren't any different than me
thephoenix_: absolutely!
(1:33 AM) Bfeed: the gays always had good smoke
(1:34 AM) *** Bobby McGee has left the room ***
thephoenix_: except for I am heterosexual, against my will
thephoenix_: I tried to be homosexual and it did not work.
(1:34 AM) imalive: they were great
(1:34 AM) PSVerHerman: hehehe
(1:34 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix LOL
thephoenix_: I did not wake up one morning and decide to be straight
thephoenix_: I am stuck with it.
(1:35 AM) PSVerHerman: but you tried it with a women then phoenix?
thephoenix_: In my observation, most gay men are genetically gay, while it's harder to tell with women.
(1:35 AM) imalive: i would have liked to have got paid for it lol
(1:35 AM) PSVerHerman: hahahaa
thephoenix_: Some women become gay because about 80% of men just aren't worth a shit.
(1:36 AM) ProfGene: I once told my friends I was tri-sexual. Tri-sexual what's that. As hard as I try I can't seem to get any.
(1:36 AM) PSVerHerman: i`m 100% straight.......
thephoenix_: that was my reason!
(1:37 AM) Bfeed: straight as ary arrow, but got along with the gays
(1:37 AM) imalive: gays are no different
thephoenix_: everyone can get along with gays
thephoenix_: they are just like straight people
thephoenix_: they have the same needs and desires
(1:37 AM) Just Surfin around: oh no thephoenix
thephoenix_: well, true, surf.
(1:37 AM) imalive: i agree
thephoenix_: Gays are generally smarter than straights.
thephoenix_: that's one difference
(1:38 AM) PSVerHerman: thank you phoenix LOL
(1:38 AM) ProfGene: It isn't a quesion of getting along. The Conservatives think that Gays are a threat to their way of life which is not true but they love to harp on it.
(1:38 AM) PSVerHerman: hehehe
(1:38 AM) imalive: cheney too
(1:38 AM) ProfGene: No its Cheney has a daughter
thephoenix_: My right wing relatives talk about the Gay Agenda alla time.
thephoenix_: I just laugh
(1:38 AM) puchos_2: lol
thephoenix_: I tell them what the gay agenda really is.
thephoenix_: Luncheon and shopping, then dressing up in costume for the evening
(1:39 AM) puchos_2: no way
thephoenix_: My father disowned me this week.
(1:39 AM) puchos_2: ther is a scumm bag sory
thephoenix_: Because my political opinions appeared on google.
(1:40 AM) puchos_2: sory for the spelling I really did go to school just had a bad ice cube
thephoenix_: It's just like the middle ages.
(1:40 AM) puchos_2: LOL
(1:40 AM) puchos_2: you will make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
thephoenix_: I reminded him about our conversation four years ago about regulating financial institutions and the stock market.
(1:40 AM) *** Vote Rebublican_in Nov has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: He said that regulation was too expensive.
(1:41 AM) puchos_2: thye know how to make a house lok gre3at
(1:41 AM) Vote Rebublican_in Nov: u sound like a child
thephoenix_: I wonder how expensive he thinks that regulation is now.
(1:41 AM) Vote Rebublican_in Nov: hahahahahaha
(1:41 AM) Vote Rebublican_in Nov: you sound drunk
(1:41 AM) Vote Rebublican_in Nov: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee silly man
(1:41 AM) *** Vote Rebublican_in Nov has left the room ***
thephoenix_: Oops, some white trash snuck in!
thephoenix_: He took HIMSELF out.
thephoenix_: Nice job!
(1:42 AM) Just Surfin around: I can drop down the admin list and when they left I banded him
(1:42 AM) puchos_2: youbet ya
(1:42 AM) imalive: i never get no mail from republicans
(1:43 AM) imalive: lol
(1:43 AM) imalive: email
(1:43 AM) imalive: mean
(1:43 AM) Just Surfin around: imalive got a letter from Palin with her pic on it.. lmao
(1:43 AM) PSVerHerman: i wich i had that letter
(1:44 AM) Bfeed: whimpy women are impressed with any woman, that can punch out a moose & they'll give her their vote irregardless of her politics
(1:44 AM) Just Surfin around: I am saving it .... PSV
(1:44 AM) PSVerHerman: hehe
(1:44 AM) imalive: i wanted to piss on it and return to sender lol
(1:44 AM) PSVerHerman: hehe
(1:44 AM) Just Surfin around: I called the DNC and told them..
(1:45 AM) imalive: its a boogie man issue
(1:45 AM) Just Surfin around: family values come in to play with how you raise your children
(1:46 AM) Just Surfin around: no repukes are allowed
(1:47 AM) PSVerHerman: you have not heard the ned phone calls puchos
(1:47 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao PSV
(1:47 AM) imalive: tommorow night we open our room it will be Democrats Yes We Can
(1:47 AM) puchos_2: yup
(1:47 AM) puchos_2: thanks
(1:48 AM) imalive: its a democrat room
(1:48 AM) ProfGene: I know i am banned from one of the Democratic rooms but since I don't know them all I don't know the exact name of it but when I try to get in one of the Democratic rooms I am not allowed to enter.
(1:49 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao
(1:49 AM) ProfGene: all I know is I was talking against a 9/11 conspiracy theory and I got red dotted then next time I couldn't enter
(1:49 AM) PSVerHerman: 'puchos where you from?
(1:50 AM) puchos_2: fl
(1:50 AM) PSVerHerman: ok
(1:50 AM) Bfeed: my sense of the room is that we all agree that we desperately need someone to overcome the failed policies of the bush administration here at home and overseas. I just don't think that hussein is that man
(1:51 AM) Just Surfin around: no
(1:52 AM) ProfGene: Is that the name of the room?
(1:52 AM) Bfeed: I got reddoted for just calling hussein by his name hussein
(1:53 AM) puchos_2: got ya
(1:54 AM) ProfGene: Unless they make the format a public forum
thephoenix_: Bfeed, please tell me about our alternatives.
(1:54 AM) puchos_2: I'm talkig about out and out abuse from soem of these folks
(1:54 AM) puchos_2: some
(1:54 AM) ProfGene: terms of service
(1:54 AM) puchos_2: understood
(1:54 AM) Bfeed: I don't have the answers phoenix sorry
thephoenix_: McCain, who doesn't know what he thinks from one week to the next?
(1:55 AM) ProfGene: There are some rooms where they say open debate.
thephoenix_: He's not a maverick, he's a psycho!
thephoenix_: Torture is bad, torture is good.]
(1:56 AM) Bfeed: I respect mccain as a fellow veteran, but I wouldn't vote for him or any other republican
thephoenix_: Economy is sound, economy is in crisis.
(1:56 AM) Just Surfin around: right thephoenix
(1:56 AM) ProfGene: During WWII it was the Japanese and the Germans who were the ones who used torture, now I hear Americans saying torture is a good thing.
thephoenix_: I mean, that's kinda scary!
thephoenix_: He doesn't seem to be in good touch with reality.
(1:57 AM) imalive: i usually try to tell them to be ccivil
thephoenix_: Sarah Palin has enough experience to be President?
(1:57 AM) Bfeed: the enemies are the islamic muslim cult terrorists & the republican party
thephoenix_: She's ignorant and proud of it!
(1:57 AM) imalive: lol
(1:58 AM) puchos_2: please don't vomit I have he ulcers
thephoenix_: My enemies are the fascists and right wingers of all religions.
(1:58 AM) puchos_2: no more
(1:58 AM) ProfGene: Palin might have enough experience to be president of the Free the Bluebird Society.
(1:58 AM) puchos_2: lol
thephoenix_: I could have a decent life if it weren't for Xtian, Hindu, Jewish, and Islamic right wingers.
(1:58 AM) imalive: lol
(1:59 AM) ProfGene: Its the Joosh.
(1:59 AM) imalive: how to eat moose stew
thephoenix_: they are all alike
(1:59 AM) Bfeed: think I'll mosey on over the the 2way street room, so C ya's all later...laters
thephoenix_: they have no learning curve
(1:59 AM) *** Bfeed has left the room ***
(2:00 AM) PSVerHerman: i saw palin with world leaders this week
thephoenix_: I haff zeen Russia too, fraulein!
(2:00 AM) imalive: we do have problems with independants
thephoenix_: Ve have somezing in common, no?
(2:00 AM) ProfGene: Another thing I hear constantly from Conservatives is well if he doesn win he will be assassinated.
(2:01 AM) PSVerHerman: you schould have called the RNC ....
(2:01 AM) imalive: they were known as freepers
thephoenix_: Conservatives also say that they don't trust Obama, they don't know him (after an 18 month long presidential campaign) and that he looks weaselly
(2:01 AM) imalive: that was the the 2000 election
(2:02 AM) imalive: the freepers
(2:02 AM) PSVerHerman: hehehe
thephoenix_: It's because most of them can't outright say that they are racists who would never vote for a person with brown skin, no matter HOW smart she was
(2:03 AM) ProfGene: The like to say he is not one of us. Well is McCain one of them with his 42 houses and cars to match or Palin with her wolf hides hanging on the wall. The only one who is "one of us," is Biden.
(2:03 AM) PSVerHerman: make mac moose burger...watching over the fence ....looking at russia.....fucking with first dude todd
thephoenix_: todd is prolly limp
thephoenix_: he spends all night out riding a snowmobile
thephoenix_: must not be too cozy at home
(2:03 AM) imalive: i have np with them
(2:03 AM) PSVerHerman: todd went down to russia.....
thephoenix_: Obama AND Biden are both one of us.
thephoenix_: No one born to a welfare mother and a Black man makes it to Harvard.
thephoenix_: The odds are about a billion to one
thephoenix_: no matter how smart she is
thephoenix_: I was born lower working class and spent a good deal of my childhood in poverty.
(2:05 AM) imalive: lol
(2:05 AM) PSVerHerman: i need some ned
thephoenix_: No one like me makes it to a top-tier law school
(2:05 AM) imalive: i am too
thephoenix_: you haven't heard repukes?
(2:06 AM) puchos_2: ok
thephoenix_: You must be a dreaded NOOB.
thephoenix_: Welcome, NOOB!!!!
thephoenix_: NED???
thephoenix_: I want Ned too.
thephoenix_: LOL
(2:07 AM) ProfGene: One of us means a Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semetic, bring prayers back into the schools, everyone deserves an arsenal in their closet, teach Creationism, eat only Cheeseburgers hardhat, redneck.
thephoenix_: is that Just in the background laughing her arse off?
thephoenix_: loool just
(2:07 AM) PSVerHerman: phoenix a other thing we have in comen
(2:07 AM) imalive: lol
(2:07 AM) Just Surfin around: rotflmao
(2:07 AM) Just Surfin around: good one
(2:08 AM) ProfGene: sounds like shove you eyeball up your butt.
(2:09 AM) imalive: lol
(2:09 AM) ProfGene: There is nothing Cool about Koolaid.
(2:11 AM) puchos_2: Prof, but when you get laid it is KOOL LOL
(2:11 AM) puchos_2: sorry i had to do it
(2:11 AM) imalive: karl rove tatics
(2:12 AM) puchos_2: we are there
(2:12 AM) imalive: we really don't know yet
(2:12 AM) imalive: we are there
(2:13 AM) puchos_2: bs
(2:13 AM) puchos_2: yup
(2:13 AM) puchos_2: what is it with people?
(2:14 AM) puchos_2: I stilll don't get it
(2:14 AM) imalive: obama is going back after them
thephoenix_: Obama's gloves are off.
thephoenix_: He has stopped capitulating to the right.
thephoenix_: I thought that it would never happen.
(2:15 AM) imalive: i do
thephoenix_: christ
thephoenix_: lol
(2:15 AM) imalive: yep
(2:18 AM) puchos_2: bulls eye
(2:19 AM) puchos_2: be rigth back... another call
(2:19 AM) PSVerHerman: ned is calling
(2:19 AM) *** ladyamathia007 has joined the room ***
(2:20 AM) *** ladyamathia007 has left the room ***
(2:20 AM) Just Surfin around: right
(2:20 AM) puchos_2: back
(2:20 AM) imalive: right
(2:21 AM) Just Surfin around: wb puchos
(2:21 AM) puchos_2: thanks
(2:21 AM) imalive: it was never a threat
(2:21 AM) Just Surfin around: yw
(2:21 AM) imalive: hes got a lot of threats but never claims himself
thephoenix_: Not any more.
thephoenix_: McCain's party is ovah.
(2:23 AM) imalive: right gene
(2:24 AM) PSVerHerman: the ball went out of the park
(2:24 AM) Just Surfin around: we have to get some sleep busy day today...... closing at 4:30 CST
(2:25 AM) Just Surfin around: nothing
(2:25 AM) imalive: i do too puchos
(2:25 AM) imalive: i am a nam vet
(2:25 AM) imalive: big red 1
thephoenix_: me too
thephoenix_: then I was a Mormon in high school
(2:27 AM) Just Surfin around: lmao
thephoenix_: after that I became an agnostic because I became a scientist
(2:27 AM) imalive: you don't want to see the bodies before they go into bags puchos
(2:27 AM) Just Surfin around: funny isn't it puchos
thephoenix_: prove it!
(2:27 AM) PSVerHerman: the wrong turn was the day bush was elected
thephoenix_: Bush was never elected.
thephoenix_: He was installed in a bloodless coup.
(2:28 AM) Just Surfin around: right the phoenix
(2:28 AM) PSVerHerman: true
thephoenix_: bloodless at the time, anyway
thephoenix_: since then, over a million people have died!
thephoenix_: no, never no nooz!
(2:29 AM) *** OzyGold has joined the room ***
thephoenix_: just the enquirer
thephoenix_: LOL Prof
(2:29 AM) imalive: hi ozy
thephoenix_: murkans still think that we have an effective antitrust act.
(2:29 AM) OzyGold: hi
thephoenix_: hey oz
thephoenix_: that's really dumb
(2:29 AM) puchos_2: you & me and many
(2:30 AM) OzyGold: I will releace 1 trollon dollars once the vatcan pays me 50 billon dollars ~~~~~
thephoenix_: this is WHY all these mergers are bad
(2:30 AM) OzyGold: so if usa wants out of the shit
thephoenix_: because just a few companies can bring the U$ economy to its knees
(2:30 AM) OzyGold: they best get the vatcan pay me for destorying my family
thephoenix_: the antitrust act is used on unions far more often than corporations
(2:31 AM) PSVerHerman: gene is on a roll
thephoenix_: just like the 14th amendment is used 99/1 for corporations
(2:32 AM) *** hotbod has joined the room ***