Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The List

Someone with too much time on his hands has made a list of chat IDs he didn't like. The result is an 11,000 long list of chatnicks. See if you and your friends are on it!

Pol 10 took a spin down the list. Some of the roomies didn't make the list and boy were they mad! They are writing and asking to be included. We also found some very old troll names. It was a nice break, all in all, from making policy and battling trolls.

The List of Internet Chat Nicks

Someone with too much time on his hands has made a list of chat IDs he didn't like. The result is an 11,000 long list of chatnicks. See if you and your friends are on it!

Pol 10 took a spin down the list. Some of the roomies didn't make the list and boy were they mad! They are writing and asking to be included. We also found some very old troll names. It was a nice break, all in all, from making policy and battling trolls.

Republican Dirty Tricks #1

The College Republicans, working to make hate fashionable every day, are at it again! At NYU, they are playing a game called "Find the Illegal Immigrant".

The College Republicans and Young Republicans represent the Brown Shirts, the shock troops, of the fascist takeover of America. I wish I were kidding. Take a look at an article I wrote two years ago (under a pseudonym...I ain't that dumb!), during John Roberts' confirmation process.

How the Federalists and College Republicans Operate

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Have Fun Not Shopping!

Your first stop is Reverend Billy's "Church of Stop Shopping". The Rev. is a fine satirist. Meet him for the first time here!

Plan game evenings at home with your family. Go to the park instead of the mall. Think of it as a patriotic national holiday! Have a weenie roast! Have a block party!

Send other suggestions!

Monday, February 19, 2007

National Boycott to Impeach for Peace and Justice

Hot damn!

National Boycott To Impeach
for Peace and Justice
Tax Day (April 15) 'til Earth Day (April 22)

January 1, 2007 - A national coalition of citizens, including war veterans, distinguished academics, students, journalists, artists, and elected officials have joined with us to call for a nationwide boycott of all consumer activity, for one week in April..

Consumers are asked to withhold
their spending for seven days,
beginning on Sunday April 15
and lasting until Sunday April 22, 2007.

Do NOT shop corporate outlets
Minimize use of oil and gas.
Carpool: bus, bike or walk.
If you buy, BUY LOCALLY.
Plan Ahead and Stock Up

Now Here's a Guy who has it all figured out!

Cenk Uygur, in the Genius of Strength at the Huffington Post, explains the continuing horror of the Bush administration, and the continuing weakness of the Democratic Party response.

"In the 2006 election the American people made it clear that they wanted out of Iraq. They replaced 36 Republicans with Democrats in the House and the Senate, and they didn't remove a single Democrat. Yes, there were other factors, but overall, the message was a resounding 36-0 drubbing. The Democrats are right, let's get out of Iraq.

"It's not working.

"So, what did President Bush do? He decided to put more troops in. Genius. I'll tell you why.

"Because we're no longer discussing withdrawal, instead we're debating escalation. The Bush people changed the playing field by coming over the top of the Democrats. They moved the discussion from one where they were playing defense to one where they are playing offense.

"So, now the Democrats have introduced legislation to discuss, debate and challenge the escalation - and have done absolutely nothing about withdrawal."

The entire article is awesome. Please send it to your Congresscritter!

Economists Agree: the Benefits of Corporate Moderated Trade must be more broadly spread!

The Christian Science Monitor posted an article highlighting Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's testimony to Congress. Bernanke seems to be seeing things the way that the Anti-WTO protesters did in Seattle in November 1999. We have to spread the wealth around. Now that's what I call a smart conservative!

Capitalism ruled by monopolies will cause global revolution unless the benefits of "free trade" are spread around. Corporations allowed to cherry pick the resources and labor of any country they desire is what they mean by "free trade." The US military now has over 700 military bases in 135 countries. Those bases are not there to protect me in the safety of my home. They are there to protect corporate monopoly assets in their host countries. That is what they mean by "American interests."

Here's a link to the complete testimony:

This link was posted by a roomie! Yay roomies!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stop Bush's "Final Solution"

From John Edwards:

President Bush's disastrous plan to escalate the war is no longer just a plan: it's a reality.

While the Senate was tied up in knots, President Bush extended tours of duty for thousands of our troops, transferred new brigades into the Middle East and ordered more soldiers into Baghdad: The surge has begun.

Bush has escalated the war - now we must escalate our efforts to stop it. Congress must force a change of course by capping funding to stop the surge and mandate a phased troop withdrawal within 12-18 months. We don't need endless debate; we don't need non-binding resolutions; we need to end this war. Only Congress has the power to do it, and only you can make Congress act.

Please take a minute today to call your senators and representatives. Ask them to take real, binding action to block the escalation and bring our troops home. Please call the capital switchboard right now at:

(202) 224-3121

Stop Bush's "Final Solution"

President Bush's disastrous plan to escalate the war is no longer just a plan: it's a reality.

While the Senate was tied up in knots, President Bush extended tours of duty for thousands of our troops, transferred new brigades into the Middle East and ordered more soldiers into Baghdad: The surge has begun.

Bush has escalated the war - now we must escalate our efforts to stop it. Congress must force a change of course by capping funding to stop the surge and mandate a phased troop withdrawal within 12-18 months. We don't need endless debate; we don't need non-binding resolutions; we need to end this war. Only Congress has the power to do it, and only you can make Congress act.

Please take a minute today to call your senators and representatives. Ask them to take real, binding action to block the escalation and bring our troops home. Please call the capital switchboard right now at:

(202) 224-3121

Definitions of Common Terms

Using the precise definition of words makes conversation possible. Click here to link to definitions of words often used in Pol 10.

The most important definition is the difference between FACT and OPINION.

Fact v. Opinion

fact ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fkt)
Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy.

Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.
A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case.
Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts.
A thing that has been done, especially a crime: an accessory before the fact.
Law. The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence: The jury made a finding of fact.

o·pin·ion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pnyn)

A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).
A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.
A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.
The prevailing view: public opinion.
Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

If you have definitions you would like to add, or if you would like to discuss any definition, please comment.

A Few Words About Trolls

Political Lobby 10 has high standards. Trolls will not be tolerated or encouraged. Their only goal is to disrupt a decent conversation and make trouble among other chatters.

We feel that it is a public service to warn visitors about trolls. They try to mine personal data and often seek to make it public. Many regular room visitors have had this happen to them. Don't let it be you next!

Most trolls in Room 10 have extreme right wing politics. Some pretend to be liberal, progressive, or left wing for a while, but it soon becomes apparent what their real aims are when they start making assertions they cannot back up with facts. You will find that they are free with personal attacks (ad hominem). This seems to pass for debate in that crowd.

Trolls never met a logical fallacy that they didn't like. They also never understand word definitions. Trolls will often make you feel as though you need to look up a definition and post it for them.

Don't fall for the trap! Don't feed the trolls!

They can't even think up their own material. An intrepid chatter ventured into their real world, and got a copy of their "Chat Rules" . I scanned the original and posted the text for all to see. Typos and grammatical errors are unedited. If you are one of those who can stomach listening to Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly, you will find that their comments seem to follow those of their pundits.

The Chat Rules indicate that they get paid for humiliating themselves. How sad to be reduced to lying to make pocket change.
